My own commitment to reduce harm in HAES® spaces

My own commitment to reduce harm in HAES® spaces

HAES® exists and benefits humans in all bodies because of anti-fatness and stigma against fat bodies. And yet it is the most marginalised bodies who've explicitly shared how HAES® spaces and 'leaders' have harmed them. I am a white, thin, able-bodied, cisgender woman...
What is a Balanced Diet –  and how do you get there?

What is a Balanced Diet – and how do you get there?

Balance. Another term related to nutrition that's been hijjacked by diet culture. What does balance mean to you? Is it a feeling? A vision of yourself? About what you can do? Diet culture has us positioning balance when it comes to the way we eat as another rule i.e....
Self-care during COVID-19

Self-care during COVID-19

To date, I've not discussed this current, and unprecedented situation that we're in. And for good reason. I'm not interested in adding to the hysteria, panic, misinformation and BS regarding COVID-19, the Coronavirus. It's possible that dependant on your individual...
What is Diet Culture?

What is Diet Culture?

Have you wondered this? And also wondered why it matters to you? Diet culture is not something I really knew about until 2019. If you're similar and wondering what the hell, you're not alone. Here's what you need to know. Diet culture says there is one standard form...
What to do after binge eating

What to do after binge eating

Did you eat more chocolate last night than felt comfortable? Maybe it was ice cream? Or pizza? Actually, the type of food doesn't matter as much as you think. Right now you likely feel one thing: guilt. First up I want to clarify a few things. The term 'binge-eating'...

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