Food and Body Freedom #51 Feel Better From The Food You Eat Part 2


At the core, feeling better from the food you eat, is knowing what foods feel like for you. And to know that you need data!

This episode explores:

  • building on part 1 to focus on what your experience of food actually is
  • tools to pay attention, to collect data and refine
  • tools to navigate the obstacles that diet culture brings

Resources mentioned:

Hello, hello. Thank you for being here I am thrilled to be doing this episode. My name is Nadia Felsch. I'm an anti diet nutritionist and also a certified Intuitive Eating counsellor. That's quite a mouthful. In this podcast we explore the practical aspects of leaving the diet mentality behind and finding your own food and money freedom. So this episode is part two of a two part series on how to feel better from the food that you eat. So if you haven't, go back and listen to part one first and then come back here, it's very important one builds on the other. So in part one for those of you who are leading us at this point, we are at the point together, you know that we explored the really the most fundamental the most critical aspect to non diet nutrition which is eating enough. We also looked at the most common obstacles that are stopping that from occurring, and that is for everyone. That is such a common universal experience. This pot Part Two is focusing more on what your experience of food actually is, and providing you some tools to pay attention to collect data, love data, and refine because at the core at the very core. Feeling better from the food that you eat is knowing what foods feel like for you on an individual basis. You know answers to questions like What's enjoyable for you what helps fill you up? That's a really key thing to know. What helps you feel satiated. What makes you smile and I mean more than just on your face. What makes your tummy smile. What is enough of a certain type of food or a certain type of meal for you. They're really important answers to brilliant questions. And that's at the core of feeling better is knowing what those answers are. And theory is important to a degree, but nothing nothing Nothing beats and in fact, nothing can replace your own experience. And that's why Intuitive Eating is so focused on you. It is putting you back at the centre because it doesn't matter how much knowledge and how many degrees I attain. I will never know what helps fill you up. Not on that really personal subjective level. Because it is subjective. We can talk about their nutrition specifics that help that happen, for sure. And they're important to know. They're just not more important or only important. We also need to understand what helps fill us up in all kinds of circumstances. There is a lot to learn and there is a lot to learn from our brilliant bodies. And that's what this episode is about putting you back in touch with. So to help you explore this for yourself, because I want you to do more of what feels good for you. And therefore as I said you need to know what that is. So today in this episode, I'm sharing with you a brilliant tool. And it's one that you can actually start using like right now like today like the next time you ate, how many likes can I say? So this tool is an invitation to you to chart your own hunger, fullness and satisfaction from food. So this is how it goes and you might want to take some notes at this point. So if you want to pause, go grab pen and paper or digitally record it. Like I always say if you're walking, especially if you're driving maybe just look at the timestamp and come back when you're ready. So before you eat, what you would do is record where your hunger is at. And I would use a scale like zero to five where zero is hungry. Like get out of my way. And five is not hungry. So that's before you ate just kind of make a note. Just guess just just kind of make it up. It's your own subjective score. Then after you eat, you're going to record two different things. You're going to record first your fullness and you're going to use five to 10 So five is not full and 10 is very uncomfortably full like after a very big meal. Got to take my pants off full. Okay. I would also include a reference here to satisfaction and if you're not sure of what satisfaction even is it is both inclusive of fullness so that physicality, but it's also more it's it's that feeling when like food hits the spot and you're good. You can you know, get on with it. So here you could use again zero to five. So zero would be I'm not satisfied and five would be maximum, you know, brilliant satisfaction. Repeat this kind of charting, I guess let's call it for a few meals, a few snacks, maybe do it over a few days and compare what data is there for you to learn from what types of foods this is really interesting, might be consistently supportive of those fullness and satisfaction numbers being higher rates or maybe you notice that there's a particular thing that you include or a meal that gets those numbers to where you want them to be. And also what's really important to know is like what isn't there so what foods are not helping that happen for you and not helping you feel full and maybe helping you who not be satisfied. Also taking note of what foods or what meals are not helping that happen. What patterns can you notice here? And and because obstacles come up. If you are noticing that the stories that we that we kind of covered in part one This story is about how bad you are, how bad these food choices are. Any guilt that's going on for you if that really is taking you away from your body so that in the moments that you're eating, it's really hard to even pay attention. And again, that's something I covered in part one what what really needs to happen here is you will need to notice that that is happening. You will need to clock hey I'm not even in this meal. I don't even know if I'm fully satisfied. And you need to invite yourself to come back. And so here are some helpful prompts to do just that. Really what you are asking yourself to do what you're what you're trying to do is pay attention. It this is mindfulness. So three really brilliant questions. You can keep these even on your phone while you're eating if you think that you're going to struggle with this. How does the food taste? Just ask yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed, there's guilt. There's noise, there's an internal noise. There might also be other noise. You're feeling overwhelmed with the thoughts about what you're doing. Just come back, take a deep breath how does the food taste? Try and get really specific. What are the tastes? What are the different combinations and profiles of taste? Get nerd get nerded out on taste. Another question is Does it meet your expectations? I love this question. Sometimes it doesn't but it gives you room to be curious and to pay attention. And another question to consider is is this satisfying my tastebuds? So these are questions again to just help bring you back. You could also just use them in general, but especially they're going to be powerful and helpful to keep you in the meal. Because what needs to happen for you to learn what for what feels good for you, is you need the chance to play to explore and to collect that data. It's all about that data. Remember, this is critical to know to understand, just like all those brilliant things I talked about before what fills you up? What about in this type of you know combination of meals, what helps you feel satiated? We need to understand that so then you can also continue to build that signal reflexivity. So I mean, how much you're hungry how much you're full, that gets stronger, the more we pay attention. And we also keep building the trust and this is especially critical the longer that you have been engaged with the diet mentality because that means you've been ignoring these signals for a very long time. And or your neuro divergence might might make this part a lot harder to connect with this. This is how to feel better from the food you eat. And now it's time to hear from you. So head on over to Instagram send me a DM I would love to hear about something you've noticed once you get into this about your hunger about your fullness about your satisfaction, I would love to hear for all of the links for notes from this episode, head to my website, which is Nadia forward slash podcast. Or you could find that link in the podcast player that you're currently listening on. Thank you for joining me. I'll see you next time. You

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