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A value-packed bundle of four MasterClasses covering food and body freedom topics from body image to binge eating and intuitive eating
Learn the signature tools and strategies I support my high-level clients with every day towards your own food and body freedom! Gain clarity on why you’re stuck and build skills to overcome these struggles.
- You desire to feel more calm and in control around food
- You’re struggling to accept your current bodyÂ
- You spend a great deal of time thinking about what you’re meant to eat
- You feel easily triggered by your reflection and/or looking at yourself in photos
- You’re struggling to get out of the yo-yo weight and diet cycle
- You’re seeking accessible food and body supportÂ
- You’re fed up struggling and are craving your long-awaited breakthrough!

Register now and save $$ on the bundle

- 4 x on-demand MasterClasses
- Body Acceptance Breakthrough, Top 5 Strategies to Tackle Binge Eating, Intuitive Eating for Health and Navigating Your Fear of Weight Gain
- 3 hours 30 minutes of total training time
- Practical strategies you can use immediately
- Tips to implement the toolsÂ
- Ongoing access to the materials including training slides
- Closed captions
- Opportunity to add-on 10 days of messenger support to provide you with 1:1 implementation guidance

I’m your guide to working on a healthy and peaceful relationship to food and your body.
I’m Nadia Felsch.
A university qualified Nutritionist (BHSc), Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and pawrent to 2 x sausage dogs named Toast and Avocado.
I support folks who aren’t happy with their relationship to food and body, find freedom – what works for them and how to do more of it – within oppressive structures such as patriarchy, capitalism, white supremacy and anti-fatness. In this MasterClass Bundle you can access my years of knowledge and experience working 1:1 with humans just like you.
Register now and save $$ on the bundle
You’ll walk away from this bundle of four value-packed MasterClasses feeling more empowered in the way you relate to food and your body, with a clear direction to focus on and with the right tools to implement straight away!