I’m getting married tomorrow

Tomorrow I will be married. Married to my best friend and in the most spectacular of settings, on Italy’s Amalfi Coast, in the town of Positano.

Surrounded by 21 of our nearest and dearest, celebrating our love and affection for one another and thoroughly enjoying ourselves.

This decision to get married and in this way was, although simple, one which I truthfully didn’t know could reveal so much to, and about me.

Getting married was not on my radar, it wasn’t part of my plan.

{insert shock horror here}

I have always enjoyed my own company and understood the power of this; it has been more important than being with someone for the sake of it. Don’t get me wrong I know this isn’t always the reason that people want to be married though the motivation to be in such a position sometimes comes from a less than- independent headspace. Humans often want to be with other humans more than we want to, or can be, alone.

Of course that’s easy to say when you haven’t felt overwhelming, genuine, supportive and incredible love you might be saying?

Even then it still took me a little while to get on board with the idea.

Some would say I am a little slow and some might say that I am the eternal single girl, regardless I found my way. Not to say that finding this way is any better or more important than another path I could have taken. However if it does bring out the best in you, as it did for me, then that is nothing short of amazing.

As Carrie Bradshaw’s says in the final words of Sex and The City, “…if you can find someone to love the you that you love, well that’s just fabulous!”

So what was so revealing about both the ‘getting to’ and the ‘almost-married’ stage?

It was realizing the absolute truth and power in loving yourself. In embracing who you are and learning more and more each day to own that fact. Once you know this power; the love you can possess for yourself and also another is incredible; and full of joy.

Although already consciously on this journey, being engaged really brought to a head the reality that I had begun to create and even more so, how I wanted to continue on in my life.TIP05291

The Wedding

Making the decision to have an intimate wedding in another country was one that we made so easily however that doesn’t mean that it was without its’ challenges.

A wedding, although not in my plans, is an incredibly special and precious time to celebrate with those close to you. They can also just as easily be blown-out-of-control and the kind of mayhem where the event becomes just as much about the parents, bridal party, friends of neighbours’, flowers and dresses as much as the couple itself. We weren’t having any of that and therefore we encountered challenges. 


The road less travelled is always fraught with obstacle and I know a thing or two about that, however this is also where I feel most comfortable and Tippy agrees.

A wedding, or any significant event in life is important to mark, to stop and pay attention. I feel this is the important aspect to keep in mind and also to feel completely comfortable to follow your heart. To do what you want to do, what will make you happy.

That could be 500 people in an English castle, all of your family in a backyard BBQ or 75 people at the beach all coming together to celebrate your choice.

Your decision, your happiness and you.

In the past year I have been asked countless times how I’m feeling about my upcoming nuptials and the planning of an overseas wedding, my answer has been the same each time.

It has been a joy for both Tippy and I.

We feel incredibly fortunate to have found what we want so easily and to have many of the people that we love coming to celebrate in Italy with us.

From all over the world and so excited for us; it is an incredible feeling and one which we plan to enjoy every moment of. A week in Positano, our very own villa with our nearest and dearest; lucky doesn’t even begin to describe it.L1030321

For anyone planning a large event in their lives, please do yourself a favour…

Find your own way and love each moment.

Know how special and rare these moments are.

Don’t stress so much about the colour that the bridal party will wear, who is and isn’t coming, the seating arrangements, flowers and cake options; instead feel gratitude to have so much love surrounding you and so much good fortune. Don’t starve yourself, worry that you aren’t good enough or waste time worrying.

Make your own way and love every minute of it.

You will not be sorry…. Says the almost-bride writing from a divine table overlooking the Mediterranean Ocean, a cool breeze blowing and her handsome soon-to-be-husband nearby, both without a care in the world….L1030327

Nadia xxx

P.S. I promise to post photos too so keep an eye on my Instagram.

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