My own commitment to reduce harm in HAES® spaces

My own commitment to reduce harm in HAES® spaces

HAES® exists and benefits humans in all bodies because of anti-fatness and stigma against fat bodies. And yet it is the most marginalised bodies who've explicitly shared how HAES® spaces and 'leaders' have harmed them. I am a white, thin, able-bodied, cisgender woman...

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What I Learnt From 100 Days of Meditation

What I Learnt From 100 Days of Meditation

In 2017, my panic disorder and anxiety kicked up a notch from the relatively stable point I'd been at for years. And it was at this point that I returned to regular psychotherapy sessions. During one such session, my therapist presented the idea of a 'brain gym.' Of...

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What is a Balanced Diet –  and how do you get there?

What is a Balanced Diet – and how do you get there?

Balance. Another term related to nutrition that's been hijjacked by diet culture. What does balance mean to you? Is it a feeling? A vision of yourself? About what you can do? Diet culture has us positioning balance when it comes to the way we eat as another rule i.e....

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The Root of Poor Body Image

The Root of Poor Body Image

What do you think of your body? Does your answer contain all of the aspects of your body that you don't like? That you feel need to be hidden? Perceived flaws to fix? Does answering the question 'what do you think of your body', bring to mind everything you think...

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My Story of Sexual Violence

My Story of Sexual Violence

[TW: sexual violence] Seeing snippets of the current political conversation and discord surrounding the topic of sexual violence in this country, has made me look away more than a few times. Even as I write these words, there’s a lump in my throat, a sting in my chest...

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Body Trust – what is it and how to get more of it

Body Trust – what is it and how to get more of it

I am incredibly privileged to support womxn working on building a healthier relationship to food and their body. Whilst this journey is as unique as the humans experiencing it, there is one common thread. Body trust. And I thought it may be helpful for you to consider...

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What is Healthy Eating?

What is Healthy Eating?

HEALTHY EATING = WHAT? Vegetables and fruit over chocolate? Seafood and not too much meat? No "processed foods?" Calorie counting? "Watching what you eat?" This is what I think... The term healthy eating; in a generalised sense; sucks. It’s useless and lacks nuance....

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Fearing weight gain? Part Two.

Fearing weight gain? Part Two.

FIND PART ONE HERE. Our bodies are incredible machines. They're breathing without our conscious control, regulating our temperature, digesting and absorbing our food, fighting pathogens and regulating our weight. And despite what diet culture tells us is required, the...

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Fearing weight gain? Part One.

Fearing weight gain? Part One.

I so hear you. And your fears are so entirely validated here. You want to leave behind dieting [representative of any attempt to shrink your body], and yet you fear that your body will change. You fear that you will gain weight. This is the number one fear represented...

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From Disordered to Intuitive Exercise

From Disordered to Intuitive Exercise

Over the years, this blog has evolved from unashamedly sharing my lived experience to sharing specific Intuitive Eating and non-diet content. And that progression makes sense as in 2013 when I began writing online, I was speaking only of my own experiences. To now in...

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